surplus-wanted list.
Surplus-Wanted list
Surplus list 17 June 2019
Following species are surplus to the collections of our relations;
Explanation of abbreviations: Numbers and sexes are indicated as follows:
M-F-U-Pr: M = number of males, F = number of females,
U = number of specimen unknown sex, Pr = one pair
X = several specimens are available.
C.b. = captive bred, w.c. = wild caught, c.b/w.c = mixed group of captive bred and wild caught.
Ex ''continent''= the continent of origin from where the animals are shipped.
Young-adult: this means there are several specimens available of different ages, all not old. You can advise us which age that you prefer.
Mugger crocodile - Crocodylus palustris
M F U Pr Ex: Europe (Eur. Union + Swit)
0 0 4 C.b: 2018,
Salt water crocodile - Crocodylus porosus
M F U Pr Ex: Europe (Eur. Union + Swit)
2 0 0 C.b: 2011, 180 cm, Australian subspecies
Australian pelican - Pelecanus conspicillatus
M F U Pr Ex: Europe (Eur. Union + Swit)
X X X C.b: young adult,
Eastern white pelican - Pelecanus onocrotalus
M F U Pr Ex: Europe (Eur. Union + Swit)
0 0 X C.b: 1-2 years,
Scarlet ibis - Eudocimus ruber
M F U Pr Ex: Europe (Eur. Union + Swit)
0 0 40 C.b: large groups available in September
Greater flamingo - Phoenicopterus roseus
M F U Pr Ex: Europe (Eur. Union + Swit)
0 0 X C.b: young adult, several groups available
Black necked swan - Cygnus melanocoryphus
M F U Pr Ex: Europe (Eur. Union + Swit)
X X 0 C.b:
Turkey vulture - Cathartes aura
M F U Pr Ex: Caribbean
0 0 X W.c: Reduction on large quantities
Stanley crane - Anthropoides paradisea
M F U Pr Ex: Europe (Eur. Union + Swit)
3 3 0 C.b: young adult,
Demoiselle crane - Anthropoides Virgo
M F U Pr Ex: Europe (Eur. Union + Swit)
0 0 X C.b: young adult, sexed upon request
Wattled crane - Bugeranus carunculatus
M F U Pr Ex: Europe (Eur. Union + Swit)
1 1 0 C.b: young adult,
Manchurian crane - Grus japonensis
M F U Pr Ex: Europe (Eur. Union + Swit)
X X X C.b: young adult,
East-afr. Crowned crane/ Grey crowned crane - Balearica regulorum
M F U Pr ex: Europe (Eur. union + Swit)
0 0 X c.b: large groups available in october
Northern eagle owl - Bubo b. sibiricus
M F U Pr ex: Europe (Eur. union + Swit)
2 2 0 c.b: different ages,
Bennet wallaby (grey) - Macropus rufogriseus
M F U Pr ex: Europe (Eur. union + Swit)
X X 0 c.b: young, large groups available on september
White bennet wallaby - Macropus r. white
M F U Pr ex: Europe (Eur. union + Swit)
X X 0 c.b: large groups available in september
Egyptian fruit bat - Rousettus aegyptiacus
M F U Pr ex: Europe (Eur. union + Swit)
0 35 0 c.b: different ages, breeding experience
Ring tailed lemur - Lemur catta
M F U Pr ex: Europe (Eur. union + Swit)
0 1 0 c.b: young, 2014,
Hunting dog - Lycaon pictus
M F U Pr ex: Africa
X X 0 c.b: 2018
Malayan sun bear - Helarctos malayanus
M F U Pr ex: Europe (Eur. union + Swit)
1 1 0 c.b: adult, 2000, 2004, on breeding loan
Brown bear - Ursus arctos
M F U Pr ex: Europe (Eur. union + Swit)
0 1 0 c.b: 2018,
Kamchatka bear - Ursus a. beringianus
M F U Pr ex: Europe (Eur. union + Swit)
1 0 0 c.b: 2014, About 400Kg
Serval - Felis serval
M F U Pr ex: Africa
X X 0 c.b:
Jaguar (spotted form) - Panthera onca
M F U Pr ex: Caribbean
0 1 0 c.b: 2005, proven breeder
Jaguar (spotted form) - Panthera onca
M F U Pr ex: Caribbean
1 0 0 c.b: 2010
Siberian tiger/ Amur tiger - Panthera t. altaica
M F U Pr ex: Europe (Eur. union + Swit)
X X 0 c.b:
South american fur seal - Arctocephalus australis
M F U Pr ex: South-America
0 0 12 w.c: 1-2 years, sex-ration can be provided as requested
Zebra - Equus burchelli
M F U Pr ex: Europe (Eur. union + Swit)
0 4 0 c.b: 2010, 2010, 2016, 2017, pictures on request
Mini pony - Equus c. mini pony
M F U Pr ex: Europe (Eur. union + Swit)
X X 0 c.b: one colored
White rhinoceros - Ceratotherium simum
M F U Pr ex: Africa
X X 0 w.c:
Black rhinoceros - Diceros bicornis
M F U Pr ex: Africa
1 1 0 w.c: 2016, 2-3 years old
Dromedary camel - Camelus dromedarius
M F U Pr ex: Caribbean
2 2 0 c.b: young adult,
Scimitar horned oryx - Oryx dammah
M F U Pr ex: North-America (U.S.A)
X X 0 c.b:
Wanted list
We received inquiries from our relations for following species. Please let us know if you have one or more of these specimens available; please note that on request all details about the future destination can be provided. For more information please contact us at
Name Looking for Remarks
Darwin's rhea (Pterocnemia pennata)
any c.b,
Penguin species (Spheniscidae)
any Any species of penguins.,
White stork (Ciconia ciconia)
any c.b,
Black stork (Ciconia nigra)
any c.b,
Yellow billed stork (Mycteria ibis)
any c.b,
African spoonbill (Platalea alba)
groups c.b - w.c,
Chilean flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensis)
groups c.b,
Ruppell's griffon vulture (Gyps rueppellii)
any c.b,
African ground hornbill (Bucorvus leadbeateri)
any c.b - w.c,
Name Looking for Remarks
Lemur species (Lemuridae)
pairs, single females c.b, Any species,
Marmoset and Tamarin species (Callithrichidae)
pairs, single females
Mandrill (Papio sphinx)
pairs, single females c.b,
Hamadrys baboon/ Sacred baboon (Papio hamadryas)
c.b, Group of min.15 specimens.,
Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)
pairs, single females c.b - w.c,
Asiatic black bear (Selenarctos thibetanus)
pairs, single females c.b, pair or small group,
Small-clawed otter (Aonyx cinerea)
pairs, single females c.b,
Jaguar (spotted form) (Panthera onca)
any c.b,
Black jaguar (Panthera o. black)
any c.b,
Patagonian sea lion (Otaria flavescens)
any c.b - w.c, Also single males are welcome.,
California sea lion (Zalophus californianus)
any c.b - w.c, Also single males are welcome.,
Harbor seal (Phoca vitulina)
South american tapir (Tapirus terrestris)
pairs, single females c.b - w.c,
Pygmy hippopotamus (Hexaprotodon liberiensis)
pairs c.b,
Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius)
pairs c.b,
General Conditions:
* This offer is subject to be unsold and the granting of all necessary permits on both sides.
* Any imperfection need to be mentioned within 24 hours after arrival at the airport of destination.
* Exchange for your surplus specimens can be considered; please note that the final destination of your animals is always subject to your approval.
Terms of payment:
* Species for which no special documents are needed and that can be shipped immediately: full payment at the moment of reservation.
* Species for which a permit-application is needed: 30% at the moment of reservation; the balance before shipment. For orders with a value of more than than the total of € 50.000,00 (or more than $ 60.000,00) the deposit for reservation is 20%.