Business Opportunities / Investments
Commodities ( Rice, Sugar , Soy Grains, Minerals and Ore)
Military Equipment/Unrestricted

Pet Supply
Petroleum Product
Plant and Equipment
Zoo supply (unrestricted )


if you have or believe you have SERIOUS RWA investors, Italy, Greece, Crete, Cyprus and other Mediterranean locations ... we can prepare many other proposals

if you have or believe you have SERIOUS RWA investors, Italy, Greece, Crete, Cyprus and other Mediterranean locations ... we can prepare many other proposals


Catalog #147843

Catagory: Business Opportunities / Investments  -- Real Estate / Property
Dragon's Price: CONTACT US
Date Added: June 24, 2022 06:39
Page Views: 535

if you have or believe you have SERIOUS RWA investors, Italy, Greece, Crete, Cyprus and other Mediterranean locations ... we can prepare many other proposals

income-generating properties ... built and to be built ...

health residences for the elderly and patients, hospitals and "private" clinics ... to be built and built ...

hotels and resorts, ... built and to be built ...

water and recreational parks ..

We also have entrepreneurs looking for partners and investors for ..

air taxi company with seaplanes, in the south of Europe ...

purchase and management of cardo ships, flying the Liberian flag as a subsidiary of a European company and based in Nigeria ...

acquisition of aircraft for a private "low cost" passenger transport company in Indonesia ..

But also many other possibilities ... if we have a collaboration agreement ..

Please can you give me some strategic guidelines in this regard, .. so that I can talk to our customers and ask for a mandate, which can be extended to other colleagues and collaborators, correspondents ....

Cascina Rodano Milan

• Request: €uro 4,600,000.00

• Lot area: 16,700 square meters

• Sells company

• Total area of the project: 8,432.49 square meters consisting of:

? 119 apartments

? 120 garages

? 100 outdoor parking lots

Umbria hotel park real estate project

The Spalletti Trivelli family originated in Switzerland and moved to Italy in the 17th century. Over the course of the years they became important landowners.

When Italy was unified and Rome became the Capital, Count Venceslao Spalletti Trivelli, Senator of the Kingdom of Italy, and Gabriella Rasponi, niece of Gioacchino Murat and Carolina Bonaparte (Napoleons sister), followed the King and Queen to their new home.

Here they started getting involved in the real estate business.

They also kept their farms in Tuscany and in Veneto as their main activities.

In the last 20 years they have also started investing in renewable energies (biomasses) and in the hospitality business by transforming the family Villa in the heart of Rome in one of the excellencies of the Roman hospitality industry

ask for Power point presentation 10 MBP

Rome Tiburtina

near the historic center, within the GRA - Grande Raccordo Anulare ...

Former building, owned by a bank merged with another institution, with offices and electronic processing center for accounting data, to be restored, ..

hotel Hammamet Tunisia

see PDF attached (foto)

Hammamet - Tunisia, is there an entrepreneur in the sector who would be interested in selling, managing and owning a splendid, luxurious hotel, source beach, with bar, restaurant, 2 swimming pools, with 300 rooms that develops on 40,000 square meters of land and with the possibility of expanding apartments for over 10,000 square meters.

This is a "project" which, between purchase and relaunch through a "tour operator", involves an investment of approximately 2,950,000/oo euro.


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