Hemostatic products
Hemostatic products
We are pleased of offer as follows:
Hemostatic products are designed to control bleeding and are suitable for bleeding scenarios from abrasions to major trauma. Absolutely new hemostatic technology deprived shortcomings.
When the drug comes into contact with blood, it not only activates factor XII, which accelerates the body’s natural clotting cascade, but also enhances this effect by absorbing water, increasing the rate of clotting, forming a dense blood clot. Active calcium ions capable of repeatedly accelerate hemostasis, are in atomic site in a lattice of CaA and CaX two types of synthesized zeolite. In addition, an additional factor in determining of hemostasis effectiveness is the local hyperthermia (38° C.) that is safe for human tissues.
Controlled heating accelerates the activation of the blood clotting process without causing thermal damage. It works independently of the body’s normal clotting mechanism, works in hypothermic conditions and clots blood containing the blood-thinning drug heparin.
Control System are hemostatic products that can be used to control bleeding in military, prehospital and hospital settings.
Stops bleeding quickly
Prevents rebleeding
Simple to use and requires minimal training to be utilized effectively
Effective at low temperatures
Does not cause an allergic reaction
Compatible with painkillers
Affordable price
Convenient form factor
Effective in the most extreme conditions
Accelerates the clotting process
Significantly reduces blood loss
Successful hemostasis instantly
Effective in patients on anticoagulant/antiplatelet therapy
Effective in patients with Coagulopathy
New production under the order.
The price of one bag is 25 Swiss francs (this is significantly cheaper than the American counterpart and significantly higher in terms of efficiency and safety than the American counterpart). The minimum lot is one 20 container. This container holds 220,000 bags.
This is Russian know-how. But according to the documents, the origin will be either Bosnia and Herzegovina or Serbia or Turkey or the UAE.
The price is based on one 20ft container at parity port of ?urkey -- 6,495,000.00 US Dollars
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